Logs are records of engagements, transactions, and events. They offer insight into various customer interactions and activities, making it easier to track performance and behaviours. There are three types of logs available: Engagement Logs, Transaction Logs, and Event Logs.

1. Engagement Logs

Engagement logs contain records of all created and sent broadcasts, including emails, SMS, or push notifications. The log provides the following details:

  • Customer: The recipient of the message.
  • Channel: The medium used (email, SMS, or push notification).
  • Message: The content or subject of the message.
  • Timestamp: The date and time the message was created or sent.

2. Transaction Logs

Transaction logs capture all transactions performed by your customers through the connected payment providers, such as Haystack, Flutterwave, etc. The log includes:

  • Amount: The transaction amount.
  • Customer: The customer involved in the transaction.
  • Status: The current status of the transaction (successful, failed, pending, etc.).
  • Provider: The payment provider used for the transaction.
  • Timestamp: The date and time the transaction occurred.

3. Event Logs

Event logs track created events, which could be actions or behaviors triggered by a customer. The log contains:

  • Customer: The customer who triggered the event.
  • Event: The specific action or event that occurred.
  • Timestamp: The date and time the event was recorded.

Navigating to the Logs Page

To access the logs:

  1. Click on Logs in the side menu.

  2. You will see three tabs:
    • Engagement Logs: Under the "Engagement" tab.
    • Transaction Logs: Under the "Transaction" tab.
    • Event Logs: Under the "Events" tab.

Each tab allows you to view and filter records according to your needs, making it simple to track engagements, transactions, and events effectively.

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