Whether in the test or live mode, Bunce connects with your Flutterwave account to let you track customer and revenue metrics, create customer segments based on payments events and automate customer messaging based on these events.
Take the following steps to complete your Flutterwave API keys connection to Bunce
Step 1: Add A Payment Provider
- Click on "settings"
- Click on "Integrations" and then "data source"
- Click on "connect" flutterwave
Step 2: You will be prompted to complete the following
Step 3: Now, go to your flutterwave dashboard and click on “settings”
Step 4: Click on “API keys”
Step 5: Click on “Generate new API keys”, read the prompt message and continue
Step 6: Set the expiration time for the current API keys to your desired time. We, however, recommend “immediately”
Step 7: Enter the authentication code sent to you and continue
Step 8: After generating the keys, copy the the live secret key
Step 9: Paste in the “Live Secret Key” box on Bunce
Step 10: Toggle to the “Test API Keys”
Step 11: Copy the “Test Secret Key” from Flutterwave
Step 12: Paste in the “Test Secret Key” box on Bunce
Step 13: Copy the “Test Public Key” from Flutterwave
Step 14: Paste in the “Test Public Key” box on Bunce
Step 15: Toggle to “Live API Keys”
Step 16: Copy the “Live Public Key” from Flutterwave
Step 17: Paste in the “Live Public Key” box on Bunce
Step 18: Click “Connect”
Step 19: Copy the the live webhook Url from Bunce
Step 20: Click on “webhook” on your Flutterwave
Step 21: Click on “live webhook”, and paste the Url
Step 22: Click save
Step 23: Make sure that “Enable webhook for failed transactions” is on. This will help us capture more accurate data for you
Step 24: Copy the test Sandbox Url link from Bunce
Step 25: Toggle to “Test webhooks”
Step 26: Click on “Test webhook”, and paste the Url
Step 27: Click save
Step 29: Go back to Bunce and confirm you have added the webhook