How to Create a Push Notification Broadcast


Broadcasts are single messages sent to one or more customers. These can be delivered via SMS, Email, Push Notifications, or WhatsApp. In this guide, we'll focus on creating and sending Push Notification broadcasts.

NOTE: If your push notification setup doesn't work, you can click here to follow the guide to enable seamless integration.

Steps to Send a Push Notification Broadcast:

  1. Navigate to Engage:

    On the side menu, click on Engage.

  1. Access the Broadcasts Tab:

    Click on the Broadcasts tab, located next to the Campaign tab.

  2. Create a New Broadcast:

    Select Create Broadcast, and a dropdown menu will appear with options for SMS, Email, Push Notification, and WhatsApp. Choose Push Notification.

  1. Connect Firebase:

    Before you can send push notifications, ensure that Firebase is connected and that your customers' device tokens are added to their profiles.

    • To connect Firebase, click on Connect, select the Firebase file, and click Connect. Click here
    • To add a device token to a customer's profile:
      • Go to the Customers page and locate the desired customer.
      • Click on the customer, then click on Actions.

  • From the dropdown menu, select Update Profile.
  • Click on Add New Device, input the Device Token, select the Device Type, and click Update Changes.

  1. Compose Your Push Notification:
    • Return to the Push Notification editor.
    • Enter your Message and select the Device Type.

  1. Choose Recipients:

    Click Next and select the customer(s) you want to receive the push notification.

  1. Schedule Your Broadcast:
    • After selecting your recipients, click Next.
    • Choose whether to send the push notification Now or schedule it for a Later time.

  1. Review and Send:

    Carefully review your push notification content and settings. Once you're satisfied, click Send.

That's it! You've successfully sent a push notification broadcast.

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