How to Create an Automatic Segment

Automatic segments dynamically update by adding or removing customers based on the data conditions you set. Here’s a step-by-step guide to creating one:

1. Navigate to Segments

  • From the sidebar, select Segments.

  • Click on the Create Segment button.

2. Name Your Segment

  • Give your segment a descriptive name that reflects its purpose.
  • Optionally, you can add a description for clarity.

3. Select ‘Automatic Segment’

  • Click on Create Automatic Segment. This option allows the system to automatically update the segment based on the conditions you define.

4. Set Conditions for the Segment

  • After selecting the automatic segment option, you’ll be directed to a page where you can set your data conditions.
  • Conditions can be based on:
    • Customer Data: Including customer events and attributes.
    • Payment Data: Conditions here will depend on the payment provider you’ve integrated.

5. Define Your Conditions

  • Choose the condition you want to apply, such as transaction status, customer attributes, or specific events.
  • Select the operator (e.g., "is", "contains", "greater than").
  • Set the value for the condition (e.g., for transaction status, set the value to "successful").

6. Preview the Segment

  • Once your conditions are set, a list of customers who meet the criteria will appear below.


  • To create a segment for customers who have had successful transactions:
    • Set the condition to "Transaction Status".
    • Set the operator to "is".
    • Set the value to "Successful".

  • The system will display customers with successful transactions.

7. Finalize the Segment

  • Once satisfied with the conditions and the list of customers, save the segment.
  • You can now use this segment to perform further actions like sending targeted campaigns or analyzing customer behavior.

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