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Creating a Campaign Triggered by an Event

  1. Select the Trigger

    Begin by choosing "When an event occurs" as the trigger for your campaign.

  1. Choose Between Payment or Custom Events

    You will then be prompted to select between two types of events:

    • Payment Events: These are events associated with your payment gateways, such as successful payment, abandoned carts, etc.
    • Custom Events: These are manually created events that are unique to your specific setup. Learn more about creating custom events [here].
  2. Depending on your selection, a dropdown list will appear displaying all relevant events for you to choose from.
  3. Select the Event
    • From the dropdown, choose the specific event that will trigger your campaign.

  • Once selected, click "Next" to proceed.
  1. Configure Settings and Goals

    On the Settings and Goals page, you'll configure how frequently customers can re-enter the campaign based on the event trigger. Choose from the following sending frequency options:

    • Send once: Customers will only enter the campaign once, even if the event happens again.
    • Send every time: Customers will enter the campaign every time the event occurs.
    • Send at intervals: Define a specific interval at which customers can re-enter the campaign when the event is repeated.

  1. Segment Settings

    Choose the appropriate segment setting for your campaign:

    • Future Customers Only: Trigger the campaign for customers who meet the event conditions after the campaign is set up.
    • Existing or Historic Customers: Trigger the campaign for both past and future customers who meet the event conditions.
  2. Proceed to Workflow

    After completing the segment settings, click "Next" to move on to the Workflow page. This is where you can set up and customize the automation workflow for your campaign.

    To learn more about workflows, click here.

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