Creating a whatsapp template is crucial before you can send a whatsapp message, to do so follow the following steps :

  1. Create a New Template Message:
    • Go to the WhatsApp tab and click on New Template Message.
  2. Fill in Template Details:
    • Enter your Template Name.
    • Select the Language from the drop-down menu.
    • Choose a Category based on the type of message you want to send (e.g., Marketing, Authentication, or Utility).

  1. Compose Your Message:
    • Enter your message in the provided text box.
    • You can add Personalization Tags to the message body by clicking the icon and selecting from the available tags.
  2. Save and Submit:
    • Once you're satisfied with your template, click on Save and Submit.
    • Your template will now be pending approval.

Here’s how to create a WhatsApp template. Once your template is ready, click here to send a WhatsApp message.

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